Enriching Children, Connections, and Community
Mission Statement:
Engaging and mobilizing faith communities to improve the quality of life for vulnerable and underserved individuals and families through a statewide network of faith-based, community and governmental organizations.
Welcome to a network dedicated to ensuring faith-based organizations within the State of Arizona have access to human service technical assistance, and to one another, as they serve their communities.
We know new relationships will be formed, we know local community assets will be optimized and most importantly, we know vulnerable and underserved Arizonans will be taken care of.
Houses of Worship, Community Organizations, Businesses, and Governments serve many of the same children, adults, and families. We should know one another, we should trust one another, we should partner with one another. And we do.
Who is this for?
Arizona Faith Council is for Champions, Cheerleaders, and Collaborators. Champions of Causes, Cheerleaders of what God is Enriching, and Collaboration Seekers.
How to Engage
We meet by Zoom on the 4th Thursday of every month (except November and December, when we combine the two meetings into one on the 1st Thursday in December).
Please send us a note on our Contact Us page to be included in this network and to receive periodic notifications regarding faith partners, and their efforts, in Arizona.